
TEMSA Virtual Visit

Virtual Visit to the factilities of TEMSA

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We want to inform you that teh CEAM, Metallurgic Center for Research and Advising is going go hold a Virtual Visit to the Facilities of TEMSA on July 29th from 10:00 to 12:00 hour, Barcelona time (01:00 GMT). The visit is going to done using the  Smart...

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Interview about high precision tools

TEMSA in the Fastener + Fixing Magazine

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The world wide known Fastener + Fixing Magazine  has carried out an extensive interview with with our Sales Manager Alberto González.  In the interview the key subject of innovation has been developed, as the world market developes and changes continuously. This represents a challenge that...

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Happy holidays

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This record-breaking year 2018 is coming to an end and TEMSA will take a well-deserved break to recharge its batteries for 2019, which we are sure will be another spectacular year. To this end, TEMSA will close on December 23 and will reopen again on...

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