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TEMSA joins the Horizon Europe RESQTOOL Project

TEMSA is proud to announce its active participation in the RESQTOOL project, a Horizon Europe initiative aimed at transforming the recycling and supply of Critical Raw Materials (CRMs). These materials, including cobalt (Co), tungsten (W), tantalum (Ta), titanium (Ti), and niobium (Nb), are essential for...

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07 October
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New investment plan!

Last week we welcomed another member into the family. This time it was PLUSDUR's turn, who received the new Studer Favorit. This advanced cylindrical grinding machine equipped with CNC (Computer Numerical Control) function represents a big change for our production capabilities in this industry. The...

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20 June
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METADUR at the Wire!

TEMSA supplies raw carbide nibs with preshape in an extraordinary short delivery term.   We have HIP furnaces to presinter and sinter at the same step; plus grinding and turning cnc machines to give the shape you need for your tools so you spend less time working...

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13 June
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WIRE 2022. Save the date!!!

WIRE comes back! And as usual, TEMSA will be there as well!   The TEMSA Group has been considered always as an specialist in wearing tools for several applications, such as cold forming, fine blanking, aluminum impact-extrusion or powder metallurgical sintering. During all these past years we...

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02 June
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Ground carbide segments!

TEMSA keeps innovating in technologies that had been long stablished according to a standard. In order to achieve a better surface finish and a longer life span of the tools, our engineering team has developed a new way to manufacture the carbide segments thru grinding...

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18 November
TEMSA Virtual Visit
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Virtual Visit to the factilities of TEMSA

We want to inform you that teh CEAM, Metallurgic Center for Research and Advising is going go hold a Virtual Visit to the Facilities of TEMSA on July 29th from 10:00 to 12:00 hour, Barcelona time (01:00 GMT). The visit is going to done using the  Smart...

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24 July